Our Unnatural Nature

Vicky Vuong
6 min readOct 20, 2019
Moraine Lake

There I was, surrounded by the intricate mountainous terrain cascading around me. My gaze drawn to tracing all the ridges and edges along the asymmetric elevations outlining the peaks of the mountain range, an activity that was so soothing to the eyes yet, simultaneously stirring a sense of unfamiliarity in the mind. Prickly trees filled the lower elevations with full, earthy tones that contrasted the glacier-fed water, illuminating the lake with a magical turquoise so potent, and, so full of vibrancy that you can’t quite allow yourself to authenticate its legitimacy.

There are only a handful of moments in life where you find yourself truly captivated by your surroundings; this was certainly one of mine.

The “$20 Dollar Bill” view, one of Alberta’s most infamous destinations for its scenic nature, so alluring that artists that were brought in to photograph and paint the area to promote tourism, were so enthralled by their surroundings that many decided to stay. And to think that we even had to deliberate whether to pay the $100 the tour guide offered for this extension onto our tour. It seemed illogical, silly even, to believe that a price could be put on an experience like this…

That was until I got talking to the hotel receptionist, where the subject inevitably turned to Moraine Lake, and to completely derail my previous thoughts, she casually informs me…



Vicky Vuong
Vicky Vuong

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